Hello all and welcome back to Woodpeckers and the year 2025!
Our first day of term is Monday 6th of January.
We have a very exciting theme this term and we have called it: Are all settlements the same? In our geography theme, we will learn more about how humans have changed the settlements they live in overtime and the variety of different ways they use the land.
As this is quite a short term and we didn’t quite finish our book last term, we will be reading a variety of shorter stories, picture books and poetry this term.
We will share these in class in our RED TED sessions (Read every day, Talk every day). During these sessions, we will practise our oracy skills. Oracy is the ability to articulate ideas, develop understanding and engage with others through spoken language and listening. Oracy skills set children up for success in school and life.
This term, our PE days are Monday and Friday. Our Monday session will be with P.H.Sports. Year 5 will also have Dauntsey’s sports on Monday morning. On Friday, we will be learning dance. This year, we are trialling children changing for P.E. in school. As such, the children should not come to school in their P.E. kits. Children are able to keep their P.E. kits in school on their peg in a small bag. We ask that all items are labelled to ensure nothing goes missing.
Spellings for the term will be handed out and children should practise these weekly ready for our spelling quiz, to check progress, on a Thursday.
Times tables are very important in Year 4 and Year 5! We will continue to do daily practice in class to ensure we have speedy recall of multiplication and division facts. Please ensure this is also practised at home.
Monday 6th January - First day of term
Wednesday 8th January – Whole School Panto Trip
Wednesday 29th January – Book Look 3.15 – 4pm Come and look at your child’s work in their classroom.
Wednesday 5th February – Parent workshop re Maths calculation policy
Friday 7th February – TD Day
Tuesday 11th February – Safer Internet Day
Friday 14th February- Celebration assembly and End of Term
Reading is a passion of mine and the children will have lots of opportunities to read in school, however, nothing beats reading little and often at home. Woodpeckers are all fantastic readers, the skills they are improving on now are their comprehension. Reading improves spelling, widens vocabulary and promotes creativity in writing. Being a skilled and well read Woodpecker improves learning across all areas of the curriculum. We have a fantastic reading reward system called 'Read-opoly' in Woodpeckers which many of the children have already been lucky enough to win a reward on. Remember to read 4 times a week in order to move around the board.
If you have any questions or worries, please do not hesitate to email
A final plea! If you are able to help in any way, reading to the children, class trips or general support in the classroom, please email Mrs Adams. We are extremely grateful for all help you can provide.
We can't wait to see you on Monday!
Mrs. Adams, Mrs. James and Mrs. Marshall.