Autumn Term 2 2024/25
Hello Owls,
We hope that you have had a lovely half-term break and have had time to fit in some relaxation and rest.
This is going to be a very exciting term with lots of fun activities for you to take part in.
We are starting off the term with a well-being week. During this first week, you will be learning different strategies to help you to relax and ensure that you feel healthy. We will be painting and moving to music, practising breathing exercises, making class glitter and positive jars to name a few. By the end of the week, you will have your own individual ‘toolbox’ of strategies that you can draw upon to help you feel calm and positive.
Week 2 is national anti-bullying week and as a school and as a class, we will be involved in many different activities exploring the issue of bullying. We will also be part of a live lesson on anti-bullying on Tuesday 12th November. School photos are also on the Thursday of week 2 and Children in Need on the Friday.
The end of week 3 brings our class sharing assembly. We will be busy practising for this during this week and you’ll most likely have some words to learn!
In week 5, Rev. Richard joins us for collective worship on Tuesday 3rd December, to start our advent and Christmas preparations.
Week 6, starts with a live stream music concert for us to participate in and enjoy. Music will be performed by Alis Huws, a former royal harpist.
When we reach week 7, Christmas will nearly be upon us and we finish the term by watching the KS1 nativity, taking part in or enjoying an instrumental concert given by those who have music lessons and by making Christingles and then taking them along to our church service on Thursday 19th December. We will end term with one of our usual celebration assemblies.
There will be other fun things to do in the classroom. Please look at our theme/topic map to see what we will be learning and creating!
P.E. will take place on a Monday again this term. The morning session will be with Dauntsey Outreach Sport and the afternoon session with PH Sports. You are able to continue to come to school in your P.E. kits on a Monday. If you have a sport club after school on another day, you will need to come to school in your school uniform and change into your P.E. kit at the end of the day.
Year 5 will have a project homework to complete this term linked to our Aztecs theme and your Maths homework will be set by Mrs.Talbot.
If you are in Year 6, your weekly English homework will need to be handed in on a Monday and your Maths homework on a Thursday.
Reading diaries (Year 5 and Year 6) need to be brought into school on a Friday, so that you can be given your points for prizes!
Everybody will have a spelling test on a Monday based on the weekly spellings that you have learnt. Remember to hand in all your homework in the wallets that you have been provided with.
Try to read a range of genres, including background reading to support our Aztec topic.
A warm welcome back from,
Mrs. Groves and Mrs. Lamont