Dear Robins parents,
We hope you had a wonderful half term break and that your childen are feeling refreshed and ready to start learning again?
This term has always been a favourite of mine. Working with young children always makes the run up to Christmas an exciting and magical time. This year Robins will be performing the traditional nativity ‘Happy Birthday Jesus’. Further information regarding costumes and tickets will be sent out later in the term.
Our topic is called “How did people from the past get around? We will be learning all about different forms of transport through books, videos and artefacts, before moving onto fun Christmas activities and practicing for our nativity.
PE days this term will be on a Monday afternoon with PH Sports and a Thursday afternoon. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school and that all items of clothing are clearly labelled. If your child doesn’t currently have any jogging bottoms/leggings please could you ensure they have something warm to wear for their outdoor PE lesson?
As always, we welcome parent helpers who are willing to come in each week to listen to children read, or help in any other way. Please contact me (Mrs Underwood) if this is something you would like to do. Many thanks to all the volunteers that have helped in Term 1. You are hugely appreciated.
Many thanks
Mrs Underwood