
Hello Woodpeckers. Welcome to a new term where hopefully the signs of spring are starting to show and there will be much less rain!  Our first day of term is Monday 15th April 2024.


 We have a very exciting theme this term and we have called it: Technology: Help or Hindrance? In our history theme, we will be looking back at how technology has developed and changed over time. We will look at some of the famous inventors including Alexander Graham Bell and Ada Lovelace. We will consider whether the advances in technology are always a good thing and think about how we can use them to our advantage. This theme will be the basis of our home learning this term where you will create your own invention!


We will be displaying all your wonderful inventions in the ICT suite ready for an exhibition which all your grown ups are invited to.


Our class story this term will be 'Spellstone’ by Ross Montgomery.

We will share this book in class in our RED TED sessions (Read every day, Talk every day).

Please ask your child questions about the story to encourage discussion about this wonderful book.



This term, our PE days remain the same and are Wednesday and Friday. Our Wednesday session will be tennis with Mr Herring. On Friday, we will be doing dance with Mrs Adams. Please come to school on P.E. days in your kit. Please ensure you have suitable clothing for P.E. outside.

 Please ensure that you have the correct PE kit and it is all labelled.

A paper copy of your home learning will be handed out each week. This term we are focussing on our arithmetic skills to keep them sharp. Quality not quantity is the key! A quick reminder that the presentation in your home learning book should be of the same standard as that in the class. Homework is due on Thursday.

Spellings for the term will be handed out and children should practise these weekly ready for our spelling quiz, to check progress, on a Thursday.

Times tables are very important in Year 4. We will do daily practice in class to ensure we have speedy recall of multiplication and division facts. Please ensure this is also practised at home.


Monday 15th April - Start of term.

Monday 29th of April - Visit to the church with Rev. Richard.

Saturday 4th May - Art exhibition at school during Scarecrow Festival.

Tuesday 21st May - Inventions exhibition in ICT suite 3 - 3.30pm

Thursday 23rd May - R.E. Day

Friday 24th May - End of term / Celebration assembly.



Reading is a passion of mine and the children will have lots of opportunities to read in school, however, nothing beats reading little and often at home. Woodpeckers are all fantastic readers, the skills they are improving on now are their comprehension. Reading improves spelling, widens vocabulary and promotes creativity in writing. Being a skilled and well read Woodpecker improves learning across all areas of the curriculum. We have a fantastic reading reward system called 'Read-opoly' in Woodpeckers which many of the children have already been lucky enough to win a reward on. Remember to read 4 times a week in order to move around the board.

If you have any questions or worries, please do not hesitate to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will get back to you as soon as we can. We always welcome your ideas, questions and feedback. Good relations between school and home ensure the children get the best experience from school so please do feel free to contact us with any of your questions or concerns. If you are able to help in any way, reading to the children, class trips or general support in the classroom, please email Mrs Adams.

T5 Medium Plan